Friday, October 06, 2006

Summary of national collectives’ exhibitions
2006 Fair of Drawings, Museum of Contemporary drawings
2005 National Biannual of Visual Arts, Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo.
Collective contemporary Exhibition, Gallery Amicus, Biannual in Paleta de Niquel. Museum Cándido Bido R. D., Collective: Contemporary Women: Casa de la Cultura de Santiago.
2004 E León Jimenes Art Contest, Centro León de Santiago.
Homage to Ramón Oviedo: Arawak Art Gallery, Hommage to Pablo Neruda: School of Theatre in the framework of the 2004 Book Fair, Casa de Teatro and Embassy of Chile, Galleries Fair: Museum of Contemporary Drawing, Views of a Mega centre: Centro Commercial MegaCentro.
2003 Caribbean Institute Collective - Casa de España, Dominican Rep, 22nd National Biannual Visual Arts, Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo, New Proposals – Exhibition of Installations, Hotel Lina.
2002 E León Jimenes Art Contest, 27+27 Freedom Actions, CODAP.
2001 Divergent painting exhibition and installation for the 4th Caribbean Biannual, Santo Domingo.
2000- Arco iris 2000 Museum of the Dominican Man.
1999 21st National biannual of Visual Arts, Modern Art Museum, Santo Domingo
12th E. León Jiménes Biannual, Casa de Bastidas.
1997- Performance – Installation of the “Hunger Dance”, Casa de Bastidas, el CODAP and MAM. Artists for the Fatherland–CODAP-, 1st exhibition of paintings and literary productions of teachers, Casa de Bastidas, 2nd National Festival of Visual Arts, Museum of Modern Art.
\n 1996: Colectiva Escuela de Diseños Altos de Chavón. - 1994: 8 de Marzo, La mujer Dominicana y su Arte Casa de Bastidas. -1991: XVIII Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales. Galería de Arte Moderno. -7 Mujeres Contra la Violencia.-Museo de Arte Moderno, Exposición Itinerante, realizada en 10 pueblos de la región del Cibao, Exposición de primavera –Restauran L´avocat-, Exposición litográfica :Homenaje al trabajador –CODAP-, Homenaje a Duarte – Palacio de Bellas \nArtes-.1990- Expo-Arte –UASD- Museo del Hombre Dominicano-, 1987- Exposiciones Colectivas – Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes-, Expo colectiva artistas visuales de Santo Domingo y el Seybo – Ayuntamiento del Seybo.\n\n \nIris Pérez, Se desempeña como profesora de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, el Museo del Dibujo Contemporáneo y \n la Academia Latina de Artes Visuales. Ha impartido docencia en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad INTEC, también en los Talleres Infantiles del \n Museo del Dibujo Contemporáneo y del Banco Central, entre otras instituciones. Facilitadota externa el área de capacitación para maestros y maestras en el departamento de educación artística de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación. \n \n Desde el año 2001 está trabajando en el proyecto de arte público: Acciones Contemporáneas, realizando un trabajo comunitario \n e intervenciones en conjuntos con otros artistas, estudiantes de artes y personas de las comunidades del país. Por este proyecto fue seleccionada para ser jurado de los premios internacionales

1996 Design School of Altos de Chavón.
1994 8th March, The Dominican Woman and her Art, Casa de Bastidas.
1991 18th National Biannual of Visual Arts, Modern art Gallery. 7 Women against Violence. Travelling exhibition in 10 villages of the Cibao Region, Spring Exhibition, Restaurant L´Avocat, Lithographic Exhibition: Homage to the Worker–CODAP, Homage to Duarte, Palace of Fine Arts.
1990 Expo-Arte, UASD – Museum of the Dominican Man.1987 Collective exhibitions, National School of Fine Arts, Collective exhibition of visual artists of Santo Domingo and the Seybo Region, Municipality of the Seybo.

Iris Pérez works as a teacher in the National School of Fine Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Drawing and the Latin Academy of Visual Arts. She has also taught in the Faculty of Humanities of the INTEC University, done children’s workshops in the Museum of Contemporary Drawing and given classes in the Central Bank, amongst others. She is an external consultant in the area of capacity building of teachers in the Department of Art Education of the Ministry of Education.
Since 2001 she has been involved in the project of Public Art: Contemporary Actions, doing community work and interventions together with other artists, students of Art and members of the country’s communities. As a result of this project, she was selected to be a member of the jury of the Ford’s Foundation and the Environment International prizes. She has received numerous awards and token of gratitude both within the country and abroad.
She has participated in specialized courses and workshops in ceramics, engraving and Art History in the following institutions: The National School of Fine Arts, The Museum of Modern Art, Amaco Caribe, the School of Design of Alto de Chavón, the Dominican College of Plastic Arts, the Spanish Cultural Centre, the Pedro Henríquez Ureña University and the Ingerís Foundation amongst others. She is a technical and Web designer as well.
She participated in the 1st Latin American Workshop in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and in the Regional Symposium “Incidence of Pre-Columbian Culture in Art, Arawak Inc., Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.

Iris Pérez has executed murals and sculptures such as the “Piece of the Poet Lowesky Medina”, unveiled in the Central Park of Duvergé in 1994, the mural by a collective of Dominican and Peruvian artists, Area infantil of Robert Reid Cabral,
Mural colectivo de artistas Dominicanos y cubanos, Santiago de Cuba, 1991, Mural colectivo donado a la Fundación Chang Aquino, 1997 y el gran Mural realizado en el Teatro Nacional, Como registro de el Dialogo Nacional en 1998, mural realizado para el Asilo de Ancianos San Francisco de Asís con la cooperación de la embajada de Japón en el \n2004.2005- Mural colectivo realizado en el Cabreto coordinado en conjunto con las naciones unidas, UNICEF ,Mural Colectivo Centro de Rehabilitación coordinado por el MUDIC.a mural by Dominican and Cuban artists in Santiago de Cuba in 1991, a collective mural donated by the Chan Aquino Foundation in 1997 and the grand mural of the National Theatre in 1998. To commemorate the National Dialogue in 1998, she realized a mural for the San Francis of Assisi Old Age Home with the help of the Embassy of Japan during 2004-2005. Participated in a collective mural done in El Cabreto in coordination with the United Nations, UNICEF and a mural in the Rehabilitation Centre coordinated by MUDIC.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006